The SDC magazine for
development and cooperation
Horizons Chad

A day in the life of...

Fatimé Abdallah Mahamat

Text: Recorded by Zélie SchallerIssue: 04/2023
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Dossier Biodiversity

No sustainable development without biological diversity

The diversity of species and ecosystems on our planet is declining rapidly. A new global framework containing clear-cut goals and indicators aims to revitalise efforts to protect and restore biodiversity.

Text: Samuel SchlaefliIssue: 01/2023
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Dossier Biodiversity

"Human rights must be respected when conserving biodiversity"

The African continent is rich in flora and fauna, and unique ecosystems. It plays a key role in the conservation of global biodiversity. However, Mariam Mayet, Executive Director of the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), warns that indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers are being driven off their land in order to promote nature conservation.

Text: Samuel SchlaefliIssue: 01/2023
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Dossier Biodiversity

Organic farming: humans and nature benefit equally

An initiative aims to mainstream ecological agriculture into national production systems in Africa by 2025. This will strengthen farmers and protect biodiversity.

Text: Samanta SiegfriedIssue: 01/2023
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Dossier Biodiversity

Facts & Figures

Decline in biodiversity

Issue: 01/2023
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Horizons Mongolia

A day in the life of...

Stefanie Burri

Text: Recorded by Samuel SchlaefliIssue: 01/2023
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Rabbits, poultry and hydroponics to combat poverty

Millions of people in Zimbabwe are living hand to mouth because of political, economic and climate-related crises. The SDC helps them set up micro enterprises, making them more resilient to recurring shocks.

Text: Samuel SchlaefliIssue: 04/2022
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Dossier Sustainable change

Young people lead the way

One million actions for a sustainable future implemented by young people worldwide: this is the ambitious target that the One Million Youth Actions Challenge launched by the SDC is aiming to achieve by end 2022.

Text: Samanta SiegfriedIssue: 01/2022
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Dossier Research

Much achieved – but still a long way to go

Research can play a vital role in reducing poverty and environmental degradation, as has been clearly illustrated in the case of food security. Researchers have helped to achieve remarkable breakthroughs – but they face huge challenges.

Text: Christian ZeierIssue: 04/2021
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Dossier Research

Participatory research in place of a western agenda

Switzerland has supported successful and egalitarian North-South research cooperation for over 25 years. A project in Cameroon illustrates how mutual trust and long-term collaboration are at the heart of this approach.

Text: Samuel SchlaefliIssue: 04/2021
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Dossier Data

"Open data is a question of having the will, not the money"

Data specialist Shaida Badiee considers publicly accessible data to be at the heart of the current data revolution. Her organisation, Open Data Watch, regularly monitors whether governments are making their data freely available to the public.

Text: Samuel SchlaefliIssue: 03/2020
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Dossier Data

Making the poorest visible in Benin

The most vulnerable population groups typically benefit less than average from development programmes, and the situation is no different in Benin in West Africa. One reason is that such groups are often insufficiently represented in statistics. Benin is consequently focusing its statistics on the most vulnerable 20%.

Text: Samuel SchlaefliIssue: 03/2020
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Dossier Data

Albania: making the leap into the digital era

Albania is currently modernising its statistical systems with support from Switzerland. This will help to enhance the transparency and accountability of government bodies towards the public.

Text: Samuel SchlaefliIssue: 03/2020
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Ensuring survival in the Gulf of Mottama

The livelihoods of many fisherfolk and farmers in the Gulf of Mottama in southern Myanmar are at risk. Fish stocks have drastically declined, there is widespread erosion and arable land is becoming salinised due to flooding. Switzerland is providing support through training programmes, conservation of natural resources and livelihood diversification.

Text: Samuel SchlaefliIssue: 02/2020
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A country for sale

Laos is one of the poorest countries in South-East Asia. But its government has great ambitions. It wants to make Laos 'the battery of Asia'. In addition, a Chinese high-speed rail link is meant to fast-track this poor country into the future. Yet all of this comes at a high price for the population.

Text: Karin WengerIssue: 01/2020
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Wissenstransfer zwischen Zollikofen und Bregalnica

Seit neun Jahren unterstützt die DEZA Nordmazedonien beim Schutz seiner für Europa einzigartigen natürlichen Ressourcen in der Region Bregalnica. Heute dient das Projekt als Vorbild.

Wissenstransfer zwischen Zollikofen und Bregalnica

Seit neun Jahren unterstützt die DEZA Nordmazedonien beim Schutz seiner für Europa einzigartigen natürlichen Ressourcen in der Region Bregalnica. Heute dient das Projekt als Vorbild.

Text: Samuel Schlaefli
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Ein Sturm nach dem anderen

Mosambik hat im vergangenen Jahrzehnt einen Wirtschaftsboom, eine Schuldenkrise, politische Spannungen sowie zahlreiche Naturkatastrophen erlebt. Dass Zyklone und Überschwemmungen immer wieder grosse Schäden anrichten, hat mit der Armut und dem Klimawandel zu tun – aber auch mit Korruption.

Text: Christian Zeier, Maputo
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Einblick DEZA

Neue und anlaufende Projekte der DEZA

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Die Grenzen des Ökotourismus

Millionen Reisende ziehen Jahr für Jahr um die halbe Welt. Und hinterlassen dabei Spuren in der Umwelt und bei der lokalen Bevölkerung. Trägt nachhaltiger Tourismus zur Armutsreduktion und zum Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen bei, oder ist dies bloss ein Trugschluss?

Die Grenzen des Ökotourismus

Millionen Reisende ziehen Jahr für Jahr um die halbe Welt. Und hinterlassen dabei Spuren in der Umwelt und bei der lokalen Bevölkerung. Trägt nachhaltiger Tourismus zur Armutsreduktion und zum Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen bei, oder ist dies bloss ein Trugschluss?

Text: Zélie Schaller
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Dossier: Urbanisierung


Text: Samuel Schlaefli
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